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Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Constant Moving

Constant moving is a problem for students, children, parents, and anyone who has to move away from home unwillingly. One day you're enjoying school with all your friends and coming home getting to see your entire family and then the next day you are told you have to pack up say goodbye to your friends because you're moving. What this is supposed to mean is that moving happens so fast and so often and you're not always expecting it. This illustrates especially when kids and teens are the ones constantly moving because they have no choice they have to go with their parents, sometimes the parents don’t have a choice either. What this means is that constant moving is not really always moving houses, but moving cities, states, countries, towns, and anywhere away from where you consider home. 

When parents are constant moving they are forced to bring their children with them and have no other choice. It’s not only the kids that are affected, but also the parents. The parents go through all the hard work making sure their kids to well in school and have friends. Than it all goes away. The parents also have to leave friends too and maybe some family members.

They are also probably leaving many friends, animals, family, and anyone they knew behind. One student at UWCSEA has moved from England, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Australia, and Singapore. He said “Trouble knowing my own religion, not being able to keep bestfriends, hard to learn different cultures, hated moving houses, no animals (Friends)lonely.”. It sucks losing best friends and pets. Like he said it can get very lonely.
Also when kids are moving a lot they are getting behind in school because they're missing important things that they were supposed to learn. Since they were missing school they were never able to learn it and unfortunately fall behind in school. Another student at UWCSEA who had moved a lot said “This impacted me a lot, because now I have left a lot of friends behind and I started to fall behind in school when I started. Now I live in a place that is so cool, but I am still trying to catch up a bit and make more friends.”. This demonstrates that this is a common problem for most kids to move and fall behind in school while losing friends.
This is also a problem for the parents who have to move and a bring their kid with them. There are many reasons why parents have to move and take their kids with them like personal reasons, work, family, and many other ones. A majority of the students that were asked why they had moved said because of their parents job. One of the parents of a student at UWCSEA was asked when they moved did they leave anyone or anything behind. They said “ I had to leave a couple of my good friends behind and it was a little difficult to get used to my new job and my new home.”. This suggests that we should find a solution for this problem.
Unfortunately there is no definite solution to this problem, but depending on the situation there is some temporary solutions. For example a problem that students seem to have is the pressure and the stress of doing well in school by teachers and parents. Maybe parents can talk to the teachers about giving them a little bit of space and time because most of the times students just need time and space to do well and catch up. The children could maybe even get extra support like tuition, counseling, therapy, or something.
There are many temporary solutions that we can use to help kids with constant moving and get them through it. The main thing is that the parents should be there for their kid and help them out. They should also talk to their teachers and give them a little bit of space, but not too much space. As long as the parents don’t pressure the kids and are there for them it should be much easier for the kid.

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