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Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Are Singapore's Roads Still Safe?

You would think that in a law abiding and safe country like Singapore, people would make an effort to follow simple safety procedures. However, on the 28th of october, a woman was spotted trying to eat, drink and text all at the same time. She, of course, wasn’t succeeding, proceeded to clumsily drop her phone in the process. In this day and age, with our various devices to distract us, the number of road accidents seems to get higher and higher. Shockingly, the multitasking lady didn’t seem to notice that her actions could have led to her death.

Even with the knowledge that this is dangerous, people still seem to multitask while driving. Singapore is supposed to be a ‘safe’ and secure place, so how is it going to maintain this stature if it’s citizens appear to not care about their lives and their country?

This was not the only witnessed offender on the streets; A man was seen driving at high-speed while trying to drink soda and another sighted trying to read what appeared to be an email on a smart device. With the high toll of road accidents these days, people should start looking away from their screens and to the real world, as the wrong turn of a wheel can change everything.

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