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Sunday, March 20, 2016

Lord of the Flies - Wolf Brother

Ralph, Torak, Wolf, Piggy, Renn, have all fought in the spirit of their heart. Ralph and Torak, fighting to do what they believe is right. Wolf being a guide, with Renn, a companion.

We see the same things in pretty much all the characters. But what makes them different from each other, especially Piggy and Torak is the fact that one of them lives, and the other dies. Torak, with his goal to defeat the Bear whatever way necessary, and Piggy with his goal to aid himself and Ralph, and solve solutions, but with the same big idea, take very different paths. Let’s explore each character and analyze what happened. Torak, along with wolf has been trying to get to the Mountain of the World Spirit in the north. However there is something about what he does, and how he does it that lets him live to tell the tale. He always had a trusty companion like Renn, and Wolf. Someone who knew what they were doing, and he also had skills already taught to him for that situation. Piggy on the other hand, was overweight, didn’t know how to survive, and only had one person that could barely help him. Ralph.

Torak first started his adventure by himself. Later finding Wolf, and then understanding more about the Prophecy. As he found the Raven Clan, he thought they were going to kill him. But Fin-Keddin had another plan in mind. He was actually testing him. He let him have wolf next to him. He left him alone. He let him escape. Because he was testing Torak’s wits and courage. Not to see if he was the listener. After Torak escaped, with Renn there to help him later, he finds the Nanuak with the help of wolf, falls into ice holes, but he has the wits, the mindset, and the skills to get himself out of almost every situation. The only thing that Torak had to worry about was the Raven Clan finding him again, and the bear. He swore an oath to his father that he would do it. And he wouldn’t let anything or anyone stop him. He would die trying.

Piggy was just ‘Piggy.’ He didn’t know what to do. He was just smart and payed attention in class. He didn’t have the skills, he didn’t have the wits. He was scared all the time. Relying on Ralph to do things for him that were too burdening. And in the end he died. No one can say that it was his fault, but he did influence it upon himself in a way. He wasn’t fit, he probably didn’t care about survival since you know, if he stayed at home, he would be safe. But in this world, anything can happen. He just wasn’t prepared.

These aren’t the only major characters in each story. Oh no. Because all these characters had a cause and a reason for what they were doing. The Beast, and the Bear. The only thing is that the Bear was real. A demon trapped in a bear. Only purpose is to kill the forest and everyone in it. The Beast on the other hand was not real. It was a parachuter that died, but they didn’t know that. They let it get to them. And they didn’t let it out. It was a fate they brought upon themselves.

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