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Sunday, June 12, 2016

Are Video Games Bad For People?

Although games can cause problems in people,who are either have epilepsy or mental issues or people,who play for very long 2 hours + sessions,video games aren’t bad,as they can help to develop some skills,such as more developed thinking and problem solving in some games,simulate jobs and can also help to develop confidence in introverts.

Nowadays,gaming industry is huge,with lots of innovations,simulators,tournaments and online gaming with friends.There are driving wheels for racing games,which will contribute to an immersion and feel,VR(virtual reality) headsets,which are out of the world and also awesome gaming gear to help to win players.But does this awesome innovation harm us?A lot of parents and teachers don’t like video games,as they think that video games prevent the students from normal learning,and also contribute to low grades in school.In some cases it is true,however there are lots of students,who play a lot,but still get all A’s and 7’s.So what does it mean?Well there are 2 groups of students.First one is the group of students,who don’t care about studies and are just addicted to video games.The second one,is the group of people who balance studies with games and are successful. So the key,is that people shouldn’t play for long sessions of 2+ hours.This may affect their thinking,also get them addicted to games.There is one terrible case,when a teen from Russia,who was addicted to a game called “Defence of the Ancients”,had a 22 day session,and after that he died,because of thrombosis syndrome.This case shows,that the parents should control their kids’ amount of time spent in the virtual world.However there are also lots of good things in video games,which may overweigh the bad things,if played for a reasonable amount of time.

There are plenty of strategy games like Total War,Clash of Clans and Starcraft.These are actually one of the most useful games,as they require a lot of thinking,due to their nature.There was a case study where “72 volunteers play 2 different games for 40 hours over the time of 8 weeks,and one of them was the Starcraft.The results showed,that the students after playing this game had better cognitive flexibility”,which helps our brains to process lots of information simultaneously.Also there are the action games.”These games help at decision making Action video games are fast-paced, and there are peripheral images and events popping up, and disappearing. These video games are teaching people to become better at taking sensory data in, and translating it into correct decisions.” 

Also video games,help the new workers.Two of the most relevant examples are aircraft simulator and surgeon simulator.This can really help new pilots or surgeons,to put their knowledge to the test,without risking anyone’s life, and also with an opportunity to retry the test,or perfect their skills.So simulators are really good trainers.There are also car simulators and many more...People can also even make astronaut simulators.Our current technologies as mentioned earlier,are really advanced,and a lot of companies and people make awesome simulations.To summarise the simulators can help people to try out the job,or train.

Introverts.What do we know about them?There aren’t really sociable,shy and closed people.Well video games can help.As seen in the gaming community people are very sociable.There are thousands of games,there are streams,YouTube videos and also teams.And actually introverts feel much more comfortable in this environment.They talk with people in game chat,make connections,assemble teams and are much more sociably engaged.It is very good.This can also translate in real life interactions.”Researchers from three different institutions in the UK and Canada recently did their own studies to find out how common antisocial behaviour is among gamers.What each one discovered,is that gamers who partake in live social environments are actually the most friendly and communicative people there.While observing gamers he even went on to admit that they formed stronger relationships than non-gamers due to their matching love of games.”

The conclusion,is that games are not bad for people.They are only bad if played for exceedingly long sessions,and also if played a lot each day.So the point here,people should play a bit everyday around an hour per day,2 hours at max.With this graphic,players will not only benefit from games,but will also have all the normal real world attributes,skills and will have a normal happy life.

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